Atlantic Local 1763 Bulletins

August meeting cancelled by vote of membership. Next meeting is September 3rd 2024.

Shared Trust Update #7 July 2024

Airport Living Wage Petition

Grand Lodge Convention Delegate Bulletin
Application for Grand Lodge Conventiong Absentee Form

Summer bid

Challenge to Drug Policy Bulletin No 007 March 28th

DL 140 Bulletin Negots Update & Arb Decision

Arbitration Decision Regarding Negotiations

Nomination And Election Notice IAMAW Local 1763 – Nov 7th – Officers, Trustees & Committee —Absentee Ballot Request for IAMAW Local 1763 – Nov 7th – Executive, Officers, Trustees & Committee

Location of Atlantic General Chairperson Election Nov 21st
Local 1763 Notice Explaining Change to Absentee Ballot Request

Updated Request for Absentee Ballot – Nov 21st 2023 DL140 GC At Large Atlantic Provinces
Official Circular 892 LMRDA Election Requirements
CARGO YHZ & YYT Freighter Ops Bulletin
Sept 5th 7PM Union Meeting Notice at Union Hall
2023 Pension Seminar Bulletin
Local 1763 Camping Trip Notice
LL1763 Proposed Local Lodge By-Law Amendments
DL140 Air Canada TMOS Sick Leave Bulletin
Important Changes to FEAP – DL140 National Coordinator
Important Negotiations Bargaining Survey DL140
LL1763 BULLETIN- Committee Appointments
LL1763 BULLETIN- DL140 Convention Delegates
LL1763 BULLETIN- Executive Election Results
LL1763 BULLETIN- LL Executive Results by Acclimation (VP)
LL1763 BULLETIN- Shop Committee Chair (YHZ) Results
LL1763 BULLETIN- YHZ Airports Health & Safety Committee

Reminder – U-Stamps & Maintaining Good Standing
Information – Retro Pension Cap
Notice – Proposed By-Law Amendments
Notice- Negotiations Committee Rep
Notice – Cargo Health and Safety
Notice – Cycle Holding Vote
Pension Committee Update
Pension MOA Notice
CAT 38 Arbitration Bulletin
EFAP Bulletin Air Canada Employees
Notice of New LL1763 Executive Board
Notice of LL1763 Shop Steward Results
*NEW CONTRACT* 2016 English (French)

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