E.A.P. Forms & Information

The Employee Assistance Program:

Very simply, it is just what it sounds like – assistance to employees. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is an employee benefit program, which ideally is supported by both labour and management, that provides confidential, professional assistance to help employees and their families resolve personal difficulties.

The EAP program is utilized by the membership on a strictly voluntary basis. Also, the employee has a choice of which EAP co-ordinator they wish to connect with. The Union and its Representatives encourage and motivate the membership to seek help through a confidential assistance program.

Objectives of the LL1763 EAP program: Retain valued employees; Restore our membership to wellness and maintain gainful employment; Motivate our brothers and sisters to seek help through confidential program; Provide appropriate resources to the employee in order for them to resolve their problems; Provide follow-up for troubled employees.

Principals of the EAP

  • Not intended to interfere with or in the private lives of employees.
  • Employee is responsible for own job performance.
  • Employee is responsible for own personal problems.
  • Getting early help for the troubled employee.
  • Use of EAP program does not threaten job security or promotional opportunities.

Does not engage in union or company politics – remains neutral & non-discriminatory.

Why do we have an Employee Assistance Program?

The I.A.M.A.W. helped form our EAP program. It is a program for which we saw a need. Too many of our members were losing their jobs because of personal problems.

As a progressive Union, we are providing an EAP to our membership because we care about them and because it is good business. Just as all of us occasionally suffer from some physical illness or disability, all people experience personal or emotional difficulties some time in their lives. Sometimes these problems become too much for us to handle and they affect our personal happiness, our family relations, our performance at work and even our health.

Counselling Reimbursement Plan

It has always been within our mission to deal compassionately with our members. In time of need, it is important that national assistance be

provided to you and your family. This Counselling Reimbursement Plan will be available when you require outside help to resolve personal, family or work-related problems.

The ClaimSecure insurance plan pays 50% of fees per visit, up to a maximum of $500.00 per person or $1,000.00 per family annually for the services of a qualified psychologist or provider as mentioned below.

The IAMAW/AC–EAP Counselling Reimbursement Plan will now pay the other 50% of fees per visit, up to a maximum of $750.00 per person or $1,500.00 per family annually for the services of a qualified psychologist.

In order to be qualified for coverage for counselling the provider must have one of the following accreditation:

R.S.W. (Registered social worker)
M.S.W. (Masters in social work)
Registered Psychologist

These standards for qualification are set by ClaimSecure.
Those who wish to obtain counselling without going through the EAP Program
should verify qualifications of your service provider with ClaimSecure at 1-888-982-7878.

Procedure for submitting a claim:

1. You pay the covered expenses. Be sure to ask for receipts.

2. Verify that each receipt includes:

1. The patient’s name;

2. The name of the psychologist;

3. The date when the service was rendered;

4. A description of the service;

5. The amount charged.

3. Complete the ClaimSecure Health Claim Form available online (through the Aeronet), or download the form and mail it to the address on the bottom of the form.

4. Obtain a Counselling Confidential Statement of Claim Form (EAP009)
(for active employees)

You may obtain the EAP009 Form from various sources;

  • online here (in pdf form)
  • an EAP Committee Member
  • From your Shop Committee

Mail both signed and completed forms together with a COPY of your receipt(s), in the special pre-addressed blue covered envelope AC851N (2007-10) that are available at your work place.

5. All claims should be submitted within the year during which the expenses were incurred.

6. You will receive 1 cheque from ClaimSecure for 50% coverage and 1 cheque from IAM Transportation District 140 covering the remaining 50% of the claim.

Printable copy of the Counselling Reimbursement Plan/ instructions click here (in pdf form)

If you have any questions, see an EAP Committee Member (Under the previous page select EAP Representatives to chose a member you would like to coordinate with) in the workplace or contact
the EAP Office.


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